- 350 Aotearoa www.350.org.nz
- 4Good www.4good.org.nz
- African Enterprise www.africanenterprise.co.nz
- Age Concern www.ageconcern.org.nz
- Aids Foundation www.nzaf.org.nz
- Alzheimer’s NZ www.alzheimers.org.nz
- Amnesty International www.amnesty.org.nz
- Arthritis Foundation www.arthritis.org.nz
- Aspire Canterbury www.aspirecanterbury.org.nz
- Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust www.assistancedogstrust.org.nz
- The Asthma Foundation www.asthmafoundation.org.nz
- Asthma Auckland www.asthma.org.nz
- Asthma Hawkes Bay www.asthmahb.co.nz
- Asthma NZ www.asthma.org.nz
- Auckland City Mission www.aucklandcitymission.org.nz
- Auckland Coastguard www.auckland-coastguard.org.nz
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation www.medicalresearch.org.nz
- Auckland Rescue Helicopter www.rescuehelicopter.org.nz
- Avalon Inc www.avalon.org.nz
- Aviva (formerly Christchurch Women's Refuge) www.avivafamilies.org.nz
- Barnardos NZ www.barnardos.org.nz
- Bible Society of NZ www.biblesociety.org.nz
- Big Buddy www.bigbuddy.org.nz
- Bird Rescue www.birdrescue.org.nz
- Blind Low Vision NZ blindlowvision.org.nz
- Books in Homes www.booksinhomes.org.nz
- Bowel Cancer New Zealand www.bowelcancernz.org.nz
- Brain Injury NZ www.brain-injury.nz
- Brackenridge www.brackenridge.org.nz
- Brake www.brake.org.nz
- Breast Cancer Research Trust www.breastcancercure.org.nz
- Camp Quality www.campquality.org.nz
- Cancer Society of NZ www.cancer.org.nz
- Cancer Support www.candor.org.nz
- CanTeen www.canteen.org.nz
- Caring for Carers www.caringforcarers.org.nz
- Caughey Preston Trust www.caughey-preston.org.nz
- Champion Centre (The Champion Centre) www.championcentre.org.nz
- CCS - Disability Action www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz
- Child Cancer Foundation www.childcancer.org.nz
- ChildFund New Zealand www.childfund.org.nz
- Children's Autism Foundation www.autism.org.nz
- Child Rescue www.destinyrescue.org
- Christchurch Women's Refuge www.womensrefuge.co.nz
- CBM Christian Blind Mission www.cbmnz.org.nz
- Cholmondeley Children’s Centre www.cholmondeley.org.nz
- Christchurch Heart Institute - www.otago.ac.nz/chchheart
- Cloud 9 Children’s Foundation - Aspergers Syndrome www.withyoueverystepoftheway.com
- Coastguard NZ www.coastguard.nz
- Community Cat Coalition www.catcoalition.org.nz
- Community Law Centres o Aotearoa www.communitylaw.org.nz
- Cure Kids www.curekids.org.nz
- Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand www.cfnz.org.nz
- Deaf Aotearoa www.deaf.org.nz
- Dementia - Auckland www.dementiaauckland.org.nz
- Dementia - Canterbury www.dementiacanterbury.org.nz
- Dementia - Wellington www.dementiawellington.org.nz
- Destiny Rescue www.destinyrescue.org
- Diabetes New Zealand www.diabetes.org.nz
- Disabled Citizens Society www.dcsinc.org.nz
- Discovery Foundation www.discoveryforteens.org.nz
- Dream Chaser Foundation www.dreamchaser.co.nz
- Eating Disorders Association NZ www.ed.org.nz
- Enliven Central East Coast Upper South Island
- Epilepsy New Zealand www.epilepsy.org.nz
- Family First www.familyfirst.org.nz
- Family Help Trust www.familyhelptrust.org.nz
- Family Works Central East Coast Upper South Island
- Feeling Fab Foundation www.feelingfab.org.nz
- Fertility New Zealand www.fertilitynz.org.nz
- Fountain of Peace Children’s Foundation NZ www.fountainofpeace.org.nz
- Fred Hollows Foundation www.hollows.org.nz
- Garden to Table www.gardentotable.org.nz
- Girl Guide Association www.girlguidingnz.org.nz
- Give Life NZ www.givelife.org.nz
- Graeme Dingle Foundation www.dinglefoundation.org.nz
- Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence www.freemasons.co.nz
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ www.grg.org.nz
- Granulosa Cell Tumor Foundation www.gctf.org.nz
- Grief Centre www.griefcentre.org.nz
- Guide Dog Services www.rnzfb.org.nz
- Hagar www.hagar.org.nz
- Haemophilia Foundation of NZ www.haemophilia.org.nz
- Heart Foundation www.heartfoundation.org.nz
- Hearing Association www.hearing.org.nz
- Heart Kids NZ www.heartnz.org.nz
- Hohepa Auckland www.hohepa.com
- Home and Family www.homeandfamily.net.nz
- Hospice - Cranford www.cranfordhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Dove www.dovehospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Eastern Bay of Plenty www.hospiceebop.org.nz
- Hospice - Franklin www.franklinhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Harbour www.harbourhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Lake Taupo www.laketaupohospice.co.nz
- Hospice - Mercy www.mercyhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Nelson www.nelsonhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - North Shore www.harbourhospice.org.nz
- Hospice - Nurse Maude www.nursemaude.org.nz
- Hospice - Otago www.otagohospice.co.nz
- Hospice - Totara www.hospice.co.nz
- Hospice - Waikato www.hospicewaikato.org.nz
- Hospice - West Auckland www.hwa.org.nz
- International Needs NZ www.internationalneeds.org.nz
- IHC www.ihc.org.nz
- JR McKenzie Trust www.jrmckenzie.org.nz
- Kenzies Gift www.kenziesgift.com
- Kidcare Foundation www.kidcare.org.nz
- Kidz Need Dadz www.kidzneeddadz.org.nz
- Kidney Health New Zealand www.kidneys.co.nz
- Kidney Society www.kidneysociety.org.nz
- Kidney Kids www.kidneykids.org.nz
- Kilmarnock Enterprises www.kilmarnock.co.nz
- Kingdom Resources www.kingdomresources.org.nz
- Kiwianis www.kiwanis.org.nz
- Kiwi Family Trust www.kiwifamilytrust.org
- Land Search and Rescue NZ www.landsar.org.nz
- Laura Fergusson Trust www.lft.co.nz
- Leprosy Mission www.leprosymission.org.nz
- Leukemia & Blood Foundation www.leukaemia.org.nz
- Life Education Trust www.lifeeducation.org.nz
- Life Flight Trust www.lifeflight.org.nz
- LifeLine www.lifeline.co.nz
- LifeTrust www.lifetrust.co.nz
- Littlemore Trust www.littlemore.co.nz
- Look Good Feel Better NZ www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.nz
- Macular Degeneration New Zealand www.mdnz.org.nz
- Malaghan Institute of Medical Research www.malaghan.org.nz
- Man Alive manalive.org.nz
- Medical Research Institute of New Zealand www.mrinz.ac.nz
- Medicine Mondiale www.medicinemondiale.org
- Medecins Sans Frontieres msf.org.nz
- Meningitis Now www.meningitisnow.org
- Mental Health Foundation - Suicide Prevention www.mentalhealth.org.nz
- Mercy Ships www.mercyships.org.nz
- Middlemore Foundation www.middlemorefoundation.org.nz
- MissionNZ www.missionz.co.nz
- Motueka Community Hospital Trust www.fomht.org.nz
- Multiple Sclerosis Research Trust msresearch.org.nz
- Multiple Scelrosis Society NZ www.msnz.org.nz
- Multiple Sclerosis Society - Auckland www.msakl.org.nz
- Multiple Sclerosis Society - Hawkes Bay www.hawkesbaymultiplesclerosis.org
- Muscular Dystrophy Association www.mda.org.nz
- Music for Dementia www.musicfordementia.org.nz
- Music Moves Me Trust www.musicmovesmetrust.co.nz
- National Foundation for the Deaf www.nfd.org.nz
- National Heart Foundation www.heartfoundation.org.nz
- National Society on Drug & Alcohol Dependence (NSAD) www.nsad.org.nz
- Neo-Natal Trust www.neonataltrust.org.nz
- Neuro Connection Foundation www.neuroconnection.org.nz
- Neurological Foundation www.neurological.org.nz
- Nikau Foundation www.nikaufoundation.org.nz
- No One Ever Stands Alone www.nesa.org.nz
- Northland Emergency Services Trust www.nest.org.nz
- Nurse Maude Association www.nursemaude.org.nz
- Nurse.org www.nurse.org
- NZ Bird Rescue www.birdrescue.org.nz
- NZ Brain Research Institute www.nzbri.org
- NZ Breast Cancer Foundation www.nzbcf.org.nz
- NZ Cancer Research www.cancernz.org.nz
- NZ Dance Company www.nzdc.org.nz
- NZ Fire Service www.fire.org.nz
- NZ Kindergartens www.nzkindergarten.org.nz
- NZ Mitochondrial Disease Foundation www.nzmito.org.nz
- NZ Red Cross www.redcross.org.nz
- NZ Riding for the Disabled www.rda.org.nz
- Open Home Foundation International www.ohfint.org
- Orphans Aid International www.orphansaidinternational.org
- Our Seas Our Future www.osof.org
- OXFAM www.oxfam.org.nz
- Pacific Leprosy Foundation www.leprosy.org.nz
- Palliative Care www.hospice.org.nz
- Paralympics New Zealand paralympics.org.nz
- Parent to Parent www.parent2parent.org.nz
- Parkinsons Society www.parkinsons.org.nz
- Pillars www.pillars.org.nz
- Plunket Society www.plunket.org.nz
- Presbyterian Support Central East Coast Otago South Canterbury Upper South Island Northern
- Problem Gambling Foundation of NZ www.pgfnz.co.nz
- Project Hope www.projecthope.org
- Project Jonah www.projectjonah.org.nz
- Rachel's House www.rachelshouse.org.nz
- Rainbow Youth Inc www.ry.org.nz
- Rare Disorders NZ www.raredisorders.org.nz
- Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre www.rmtc.org.nz
- Red Cross www.redcross.org.nz
- Riding For Disabled www.rda.org.nz
- Robots in Schools robotsinschools.org.nz
- Ronald McDonald House - Christchurch www.rmhsi.org.nz
- Ronald McDonald House - Auckland www.rmhauckland.org.nz
- Rotary NZ www.rotaryoceania.zone
- RSA - Returned Services Association www.rsa.org.nz
- RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals www.rnzspca.org.nz
- Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.nz
- Samaritans www.samaritans.org.nz
- Save the Children www.savethechildren.org.nz
- Search and Rescue Service - Taupo www.rescue.org.nz/taupo/taupo.html
- Selwyn Foundation www.selwyncare.org.nz
- Sensible Sentencing Trust www.safenz.org.nz
- Shakti Community Council www.shaktiinternational.org
- Shine - against domestic violence www.2shine.org.nz
- Skylight www.skylight.org.nz
- South Island Bone Marrow Trust www.bmct.org.nz
- Southern STARS Trust www.southernstars.org.nz
- SPCA - Royal Sociaty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals www.rnzspca.org.nz
- SPELD www.speld.org.nz
- Square Trust Rescue Helicopter Fund www.heliserv.co.nz
- St John Ambulance www.stjohn.org.nz
- St Vincent de Paul Society www.svdp.org.nz
- Stopping Violence Dunedin www.stoppingviolencedunedin.org.nz
- Starship Children’s Health www.starship.org.nz
- Starship Foundation www.starship.org.nz
- Stopping Violence Service www.angermanagement.org.nz
- Stroke Foundation www.stroke.org.nz
- Sustinnoworx www.sustinnoworx.co.nz
- Sweet Louise www.sweetlouise.co.nz
- Taken Life www.taken.life
- Tearfund www.tearfund.org.nz
- Te Papa Foundation www.tepapa.govt.nz/tepapafoundation
- The Parenting Place www.theparentingplace.com
- The Sisters of Compassion www.compassion.org.nz
- Tough Love NZ www.toughlove.org.nz
- Tourette's Association of NZ www.tourettes.org.nz
- Transparency International (NZ) www.transparency.org.nz
- Trustpower TECT Rescue Helicopter www.rescue.org.nz
- UNICEF www.unicef.org.nz
- United Nations Youth Association of NZ www.unyanz.co.nz
- Variety - The Children's Charity www.variety.org.nz
- Victim Support www.victimsupport.org.nz
- Vision West Community Trust www.visionwest.org.nz
- Wellington Free Ambulance www.wellingtonfreeambulance.org.nz
- Wellington Hospitals & Health Foundation www.whhf.org.nz
- Wellington Rabbit Rescue www.wellingtonrabbitrescue.org
- Wellstop www.wellstop.org.nz
- WestpacTrust Waikato Air Ambulance www.rescue.org.nz/hamilton/hamilton
- West Coast Penguin Trust www.bluepenguin.org.nz
- Whakatane Project Hope www.1xx.co.nz/projecthope
- What's Up www.whatsup.co.nz
- Wildlife Hospital - Dunedin www.wildlifehospitaldunedin.org.nz
- Women's Centre www.womenscentre.co.nz
- Women’s Refuge - Christchurch now Aviva www.avivafamilies.org.nz
- World Vision www.worldvision.org.nz
- WWF-New Zealand www.wwf.org.nz
- YMCA - Christchurch www.ymcachch.org.nz
- YWCA www.ywca.org.nz
- Youthline www.youthline.co.nz
Donate to Charity
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say or do in difficult times. Giving to charity will make a difference to others lives and it’s a great way to do something positive and meaningful.
The directory below is provided to connect you directly to the charity to make your donation. Please note, we do NOT accept donations on behalf of any charity, any transaction made is between yourself and the charity directly.
On behalf of the charity you support, thank you for your generosity.